Featuring Bob Crowley, Tim Twietmeyer, Hal Hall, Jennifer Hemmen, and Elke Reimer
A Fundraiser for the History Expedition's publication of TEVIS - The Places We Ride - Celebrating Seven Decades of American Endurance Riding History
Beginning March 6th, History Expeditions co-founders Bob Crowley and Tim Twietmeyer, veteran ultra-distance trail runners and amateur historians, accompanied by Jennifer Hemmen, a versatile ultra-distance and adventure athlete, Elke Reimer, a veteran ultra-distance runner, backpacker and trail steward and Hal Hall, an accomplished endurance equestrian rider and historian, trekked and skied the rugged Sierra terrain between Placerville, CA and Genoa, NV.
It took the team 5 days to complete the expedition. The route took them along the South Fork of the American River, over the Sierra at Echo Lake (7,539’), down into the Tahoe Basin and along the Upper Truckee River, over Luther Pass (7,740′), down to Hope Valley, Woodfords and along the eastern base of the Sierra to Genoa, NV. Deep snow and frigid temperatures were encountered, requiring much of the journey be done in snowshoes, skis, and wilderness arctic gear. Progressing 10 to 35 miles per day, the hikers set camp each evening nearby likely spots where Thompson would have rested.
Location— Odd Fellows Lodge #7, 1226½ Lincoln Way in Auburn
Auburn State Theatre
985 Lincoln Way
Auburn, California 95603
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