If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact June Haugen
In this film we meet passionate people dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the redwoods and protecting their future. This includes a scientific detective uncovering the secrets of redwood resilience, members of the Yurok Tribe fighting to restore their cultural connections to these forests, a park manager summoning new life from ravaged timberlands, and a modern-day Ansel Adams who's attempting to display a life-size photograph of a 310-foot redwood— a portrait she hopes will rekindle our connection to these ambassadors from another time.
Running time: 1h 20m
Location— Odd Fellows Lodge #7, 1226½ Lincoln Way in Auburn
Auburn State Theatre
985 Lincoln Way
Auburn, California 95603
The historic Auburn State Theatre enhances the quality of life, economic prosperity and cultural awareness of our community and region by providing live music, performing arts, film and educational experiences.
Auburn State Theatre, Inc. is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization EIN # 68-0477472.
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